Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spoken Like A Wife

Whose to blame for the New England Patriots Super Bowl loss?  Wes Welker dropped a crucial pass down the stretch that would have sealed the win for the New England Patriots.  Lots of people inculding Tom Brady's wife, Gisele Bundchen, blame Welker and other recievers for the loss.  Gisele was caught on tape by theinsider.com saying, "My husband cannot f------ throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time. I can't believe they dropped the ball so many times."

Gisele, being a supportive wife, backed up her man but faild to realize she created a frenzy for the media.  Backing up your husband is one thing but insulting the whole recieving core of the Patriots is another.  Now Brady will have to do some damage control for his wife.  As an unbiased fan of the game, Brady is as much to blame for the pass to Welker, which wasn't perfectly placed, as much as any other Patriot.  Lets not mention the saftey Brady gave up with led to the Giants first touchdown on top of the free 2 points.


  1. This one's a toughie. I feel her pain and though I might have been a little more PC, I too might have blabbered something like that. She should have waited until she was in the privacy of her hotel room or wherever to vent, though :), it must be her Latin temperament.
    You're right, Brady has a lot damage controlling to do and she won't be welcomed with open arms at the next couple's outing of the Patriots.

  2. I think that everyone is entitled to their opinion...and there are plenty of those to go around. But celebrities should realize they are always being watched and/or recorded - so what they say and do can definitely come back to haunt them. In this case, you are right, Brady was not without fault for his own errors in the game. The ball has to be catch-able when it's thrown too.

  3. This was hilariouse, I believe she did not know the cameras were around and wouldnt of said it if she did. But it was good to here a celebrity speaking truthfully and not trying to be so PC. I mean she was right if the recievers would have caught the ball things would have been different.
